Sep 10, 2007

An Engagement, A Wedding & A Birthday

Where do I begin? So much to talk about, so little time.

We'll start with Caylie getting an awesome new kitten! Totally cute cats rule. She brings it over to Beak and Cam's backyard rager the same night she gets it. Beak and Cam are having a fire in their new plastic/bronze (the material is debatable according to some) fire pit and the cat is down. She parties all night.


The new kitten fits perfectly in Jeff's hole and melts right into his heart. We try and think of names. We come up with some sweet ones, but Caylie decides on Cous Cous. I suggest Minute Rice, Jeff suggests Uncle Ben's. She's not having any of it.


The party crew is ready. There's no shortage of wood around these parts. That's what she said.


JC looks completely crazed here.



50's shows off his newly sliced finger. He accidentally cut it to the bone with a chop saw, requiring 6 stiches at a St. Cloud Hospital - they charge him $25 for a bandage. Totes not cool.


Fast Forward to the next day -- check out the rock! Beak and Cam get engaged! He pops the question to Cam Sunday afternoon after having Bloody Marys down at Gabby's on the River. She of couse says yes and the couple invites us all over for Goldschlager shots and Champagne to celebrate. I am stoked to say the least.


Beak will be asking Tony Dungy to be the best man. Because of his Quiet Strength, of course.

Ring Shots.




Champagne drinks. Yes. Yes!


Fastforward again. Friday night - Jeff, Aaron, Matt, Cam and myself head to Chicago to celebrate the wedding of our good friends Bob and Urs! We get into town a night before the wedding but barely make it in time for bar close. We belly up and have whiskey shots and pbr's. So far so good.

We head over to Joel's house. I guess he has a moustache this night but I don't remember it. These guys love playing dice games and betting dollar bills.


We find a little bit of tape and make a weak attempt at beer sabers.

Jeff breaks a chair and we think it's really funny. He insists that he didn't break the chair and that it was broken when he got there.

Me and Cam saber away in the corner.


Next Morning, Wedding Day. We head over to the wedding site, Logan Square Auditorium, which is an old concert venue in Chicago. It's the perfect place to have a wedding. The decorations are just like the set of a Wes Anderson movie.


Kisses and Confetti, the Beach Boys "Wouldn't it Be Nice" blares to the cheering masses. Full disclousure: this photo was taken by a quasi-asshole from New York named Ian.


So this is us dressed up, minus me. We are looking sharp. Oh, did I mention this party comes with a unlimted supply of beers, booze, champagne, shots, and it's all free. Photo shots begin to get blurry starting now.


Choclate wedding cakes with chocolate brides and grooms.

Ian is serious, serious about getting wasted.


Bride champagne slammer-bammers.


There are a few things that can measure the success of a wedding. At the top of this list is when dudes start putting ties around their heads and dancing the can-can. When this happens you know that the night is a success without a doubt.

Beak's utterly confused by the dance.

We look awesome. Champagne stained dresses and shirts.


Wedding cake with pink flowers.


These guys just got married in a gay way.



What is going on with Beaks face? Unreal.


50's applies pink flowers to my eyeball.

Post-wedding train rides back to Joel's.


Cam gets her hand caught in a bear trap that was hiding in her purse. Joel laughs because he was the one who set the trap.


Sure, sure, absolutely.


Beak whispers sweet nothings. It is safe to say that everyone is feeling a little fuzzy. The rest of that night is a blur. We head home the next day, having fallen further in love with Chicago.

Now things are getting current. This was Saturday, as in just a few days ago. Jeff's real brother Erik is in town with his girlfriend Jen and they're hanging out with their friends at a bar, we join them. BTW we're drinking beer out of malt glasses, not really my style. It freaks me out.


We hang out at that other bar for awhile and then head over to the Yacht Club for Ripplechip's birthday. He just spent the past few days in Las Vegas with Colez celebrating. Now he's at the YC celebrating with us, and let me tell you he is seriously soaked.


BTF and Jaws are there hanging out too!


Blestos joins the party with his new motorcycle jacket. It goes perfectly with his new motorcycle. He's a tough guy now so watch out.

This is the look of a wasted man.

Choke holds.

Erik is cold so Jeff gives him his sweatshirt. Brotherly love.

Erik wants to wear the sunglasses.


Jen does too, you guys are looking good. So that's all for now. Stay tuned as the following things lay ahead: a wedding in Detroit, a possible cabin weekend in Northern Minnesota and Jeff's birthday rager.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous7:22 PM

    Damn, Jeff's brother looks WEATHERED. Jenn is pumped to be part of the blogosphere.
